Jessica Q. Stark is the author of Buffalo Girl (BOA Editions, 2023), winner of a Florida Book Award and a finalist for the 2023 Maya Angelou Book Award, Savage Pageant (Birds, LLC, 2020), and four poetry chapbooks, including INNANET (The Offending Adam, 2021). She is a Poetry Editor for Boston University’s AGNI and is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the University of North Florida. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Nation, Best American Poetry, Pleaides, Sixth Finch, the Southeast Review, Tupelo Quarterly, among other publications. She co-organizes the Dreamboat Reading Series and is a part of the Vietnamese diasporic collective She Who Has No Master(s). She lives in Jacksonville, Florida, and will be part of our panel of Florida Book Award fiction and poetry winners at this year’s Word of South.
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April 4-6, 2025